Seven Things I Learned Writing and Publishing My First Novel
I knew I would learn a lot by writing and publishing my first novel, but I didn’t know exactly what I would learn. Would I make discoveries about my writing process or the craft of writing and storytelling? Would I learn broader life lessons? Perhaps all of the above? Engineered Underground isn’t the first book…Read More

Thoughts on Transcending Genre
I’m a huge fan of science fiction. When I go shopping for new books or when I’m surfing for new movies and TV shows to watch, I almost always hit the sci-fi section first. But I don’t limit myself to this one genre. On any given day, you can find me reading historical fiction, children’s…Read More

Interview on Buddy’s Writing Show
If you have any interest in writing–and especially in pursuing a career as an author–you should check out Buddy’s Writing Show on YouTube. Buddy is a naturally skilled interviewer who asks thoughtful questions and makes his guests feel right at home. I was recently interviewed on Buddy’s show and had a great time discussing my…Read More

Reflections on NaNoWriMo 2013
I first heard about National Novel Writing Month, which is more affectionately called NaNoWriMo by its supporters, about seven or eight years ago. I thought it was crazy. Write a novel in a single month? Please. A decent novel takes years and years to write! Everybody knows that. But then I looked into it and…Read More